At Beautiful Dentures, we can provide you with new and improved copy dentures for a confident, attractive smile.
Ask a questionAre you struggling with wobbly dentures, or have your dentures started to slide or slip when you eat?
If so it may be time to consider replacing your dentures. At Beautiful Dentures, we can provide you with new and improved copy dentures for a confident, attractive smile.

Why would I need to replace my dentures?
Over time, your mouth changes shape, and this means that your denture may not fit as comfortably and snugly as it once did. When your dentures become loose, they can start to irritate your gums, and you might feel anxious about eating in public. Ill-fitting dentures can cause soreness and pain, and they’re also susceptible to damage. If your dentures have seen better days, or you’re tired of having to pay out for denture repairs, we have a brilliant solution. Our copy dentures are designed to improve the aesthetic, fit, and feel of your existing dentures.

Copy dentures for a stunning smile
Copy dentures enable us to beautify your smile and improve oral function by combining the benefits of your existing dentures with minor modifications that take the evolving shape of your gums into consideration. The contours of your mouth change constantly, and once you reach the point where your dentures don’t fit anymore, copy dentures can give you your confidence back. With copy dentures, you can enjoy peace of mind when you eat and speak – and you don’t have to put up with pain.

Beautiful Dentures copy dentures
If you need new dentures, or you’re keen to have a spare set of dentures in case you have any problems with your existing dentures, our experienced clinical dental technicians are on hand to create beautiful, bespoke replacements. Our copy dentures are hand-crafted, and we can produce dentures for both the upper and lower arches.